Enter location information - manually

Who should use this guide

  • Providers and jurisdictions that have completed registration for a COVID Locating Health Provider Portal account.

  • You have at least one location to display to the public on Vaccines.gov.

  • You need to set up or edit your location phone number, website, hours, and other details โ€” and want to do so via the manual method.

Provider location name and address must be updated through CDC by the providerโ€™s jurisdiction, or pharmacy network.


Login to your COVID Locating Health Provider Portal account at https://covid.locating.health/login.

Visit login instructions for help.

Entering your location information

All locations will initially default to not display to the public but we encourage you to turn on your display to the public setting so more people can find your location on Vaccines.gov.

Once the location is set to display, the toggle will move to the right and turn blue. If you would like to switch all locations to display, you can toggle the button at the top of the page above all the locations.


  • If you want to display most of your locations, but not all, you can toggle all to display to the public and then toggle off the locations you wish not to display.

  • The number of locations set to the public will display at the top of the location box, e.g., "1 location set to display".

  • In Stock and Supply Level will only be editable for those locations set to display to the public.

  • On-hand inventory quantities will never display to the public.

For all locations set to display to the public, the information you provide will be displayed to the public at Vaccines.gov.

It is extremely important to keep your location information correct so the millions of Vaccines.gov users can easily find or contact your locations and get vaccinated!


You can also cancel at any time. If you cancel, your updates will not be saved.

Information saved on this page is updated on Vaccines.gov within 5 hours.

Only locations that have reported COVID-19 vaccine inventory in the last 29 days and have turned their locations to display will show in searches on Vaccines.gov.

Last updated